In Despair and close to Giving Up? Learn to make change

Tired of conflict? Learn to make change in 3 key ways.

The Advocacy Analysis Report

Is your data accurate and actionable? You may be vulnerable to “gaslighting” by educators who have been told to tell you the incorrect facts.

The AbsoluteAdvocacy Program

Clarify what you need to know about Special Education, meeting techniques, and how to use them for your advocacy in a realtime coaching program.


Dispute Options

The Procedural Safeguards is a boring read for most. Let’s go through it and examine your options when your child hasn’t received a benefit from Special Education.

Shake things up. Learn to make change by changing what you do.

You are confused about what to do next. How about pinpointing what you want to happen? Lumen Advocacy Services help you achieve goals for yourself! You will learn to make the change for your child after you have put the oxygen mask over your mouth. Have you identified why you feel powerless or voiceless in the IEP process? Out of frustration, you’ve been sending angry emails to school personnel, or paying for private instruction after school and accepting minimal school services for your child. Oh well, schools are lacking resources…

Pour Concrete not sand

When you learn the facts that are the basis of your child’s education, a light bulb comes on. You become the key to fixing what’s wrong. Because you now understand parental rights and how to construct an appropriate program, your voice magnified with right mindset makes you compelling. So, if you understand why the school refuses a service, knowing what to do about it becomes clear. You are closer to getting the services your child needs.

An unhappy Parent of a Child with a Disability who wants to Learn to make change

Where you should start

If you feel confident enough to run with a plan for Special Education Advocacy, the Analysis Report may be all you need. You can start here and add on to your contract. Figure out if there are mistakes or gaps in your child’s educational history.

If you are new to the world of Special Education the AbsoluteAdvocacy Program is a good fit. For example, you just found out your child has a Learning Disability, and your child is in pre-school. Now what? In short, I developed the program to fully prepare you for years of meetings and prevent the SOS to professionals when learning gets derailed.

If you are in disagreement over services. Hope alone is a dangerous feeling. Assuming that Special Education will prepare your child for employment, further education and independent living without evidence, is not a SMART goal. Learn to make change for meaningful progress. Unfortunately, with the best of intentions, schools and parents can keep disagreeing and time is lost. In those circumstances, you can evaluate the options in Dispute Representation.

Not sure? In order to determine what is best for you, and if you are a good fit for these options, take my assessment! Or contact me for a Free Consultation to talk over your particular situation.

Questions? Speaker inquiries?

Questions? Speaker inquiries?

DISCLAIMER: Everything displayed on this site shall be regarded as general information and in no way should it be interpreted as specific advice for your child.

Austin, Texas

Virginia Spencer, M.Ed.,

(630) 251-5658

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