Accessible lunch break video-bites for the Motivated Busy IEP Parent
Learning Nuggets in bite-sized videos
‘Keeping An IEP Meeting Fresh’ and ‘Tiny Primers’
Microlearning variety
Watch instructional videos made for you, on YouTube or here. Choose the topics that interest you. Want to learn about Dyslexia, ADHD, Autism, Speech Impairments? Those are a few of the captioned topics you can find to watch in under 4 minutes length.
Subscribe to my channel and Watch for Updates! Videos are organized by topic, so there should be something that is actionable. Send me an email for problems you would like to see addressed.
For example, this video looks at withdrawing your child to homeschool, or enroll in private school. Although the school team knows you are withdrawing your child, they want to meet to discuss it? Find out why in this instructional video.
Districts have a pot of money for funding services for students with disabilities who are not enrolled. This pot is based on a headcount. It’s called Proportionate Share Funding. Therefore, your child should be included in a headcount and may be eligible for an Individual Service Plan that includes school-determined options such as Dyselxia services, Speech or Occupational Therapy.
Find out more about private and public school services by watching. Learn what these services could look like and how and where they are provided with a quick overview of facts about privately-placed students.
Keep tuned for more instructional videos that you can watch over lunch on Facebook and Youtube!
How do I keep parents involved in the IEP process?
Learn about tools for meetings. There are ways to manage your emotions whether you are angry, upset, frustrated or anxious.
Hear about “learning conversations” that take place at the table. Sometimes, we can discover that the school team is struggling and needs to do additional assessment. How can you find this out? Ask for that additional assessment without offending anyone?
That packet of parent rights you were handed? I explain them in a webinar series. Skip the legalese and get a translation of the entire Notice of Procedural Safeguards. Don’t forget to add your comments so I can keep improving.
Public Information Requests In Texas: What If The School Doesn’t Respond Within 10 Days?
A short introductory video on Public Information Requests (or Freedom of Information Act requests). Simply stated, you might want send in a request to gather information about your school district as follows. If you can’t find information that relates to your child’s education, PIRs may be the answer. Teacher training, vendor contracts, number of evaluations in a year, for example. You can find out how many children with Autism received an behavior assessment in the last 3 months.
Then go to your Attorney General’s website for rules specific to your state on when you should expect a response. You may have to find the appeal procedures for what to do when the School District tells the Attorney General that they are claiming exemptions and withholding information.
Watch for updates to this page on many different subjects in Special Education for you, the busy IEP Parent and more from your Advocate!

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Questions? Speaker inquiries?
DISCLAIMER: Everything displayed on this site shall be regarded as general information and in no way should it be interpreted as specific advice for your child.